Olympic Handball
Well done to the 3rd class girls who represented SST at the recent Olympic Handball County Championships. The girls have been training hard with…
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Credit Union Schools Quiz
Two teams from Scoil San Treasa participated in the Credit Union Schools Quiz in Taney Parish Hall on a cold and blustery Saturday in early February…
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Spike Lego
Both 4th Classes worked together in small groups to develop a motorized fan that is able to blow over a sheet of paper, using the LEGO Spike kits. We…
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Here in Scoil San Treasa, we have lots to be proud of. Our website provides opportunities to celebrate the learning and achievements of the school on an ongoing basis. It also helps us in sharing useful information about our school. Over time, we add to the information and materials that are accessible on our website. We hope that all those connected with the school, together with new visitors and old friends, will enjoy using our website and will find it helpful.
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Frances Mullin
“My way is all confidence and love” … St. Thérèse of Lisieux