Scoil San Treasa says ‘Oui’ to Languages
This year 2023/2024, over 100 pupils in 5th and 6th class joined over 80,000 Primary pupils nationwide, taking part in the ‘Say Yes to languages’ Sampler Module to promote Modern Foreign Languages in Irish Primary schools. This hugely successful initiative was launched in 2021 by the Department of Education (DE) as part of Ireland’s national Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017–2026.
This was Scoil San Treasa’s second year of 'Say Yes to Languages' with our 5th and 6th class pupils completing a module in French, delivered over an eight-week period during the normal school timetable. The module is being rolled out with the support of Languages Connect and PPLI (Post-Primary Languages Ireland), a unit of the Department of Education, and is funded by the DE.
For more information - please visit