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Our School Day
8:40 am | School opens |
9:00 am | Teaching begins |
1:20 pm | School ends for Junior and Senior Infants |
2:20 pm | School ends for all other classes |
Junior Infants to Sixth Class
10:30 – 10:40 am | Sos |
12:10– 12:40 pm | Lón |
Arriving to School
- All children Junior Infants to Sixth Class enter through the Main Blue Gate
Departing School 1st - 6th
- First and Second Class: Main Blue Gate
- Third and Fourth Class: New Blue Gate
- Fifth and Sixth Class: Top Gate (Laneway)

Home Time - 2:20pm
At the 2:20pm (1st - 6th class) ‘going-home time', if you (or another adult) are/is collecting your child/ren - please note the following important safety information:
- We ask that all parents/minders remain outside of the blue gates.
- Please assign a designated safe place to meet/wait for your child/ren and let your child/ren know to look for you there. The success and safety of this relies on parents remaining outside of the red bollards.
- Junior Infants can be collected from the yard at 1:20pm, while Senior Infants can be collected from the Plásóg.
These arrangements, you will understand, are in the interest of safety for all.