Aladdin Connect
Our school has successfully rolled out the Aladdin Schools Connect App to parents/guardians of children in our classes which is of benefit to all parties. We are currently using the following features:
- Noticeboard facility
- Absences - The reasons for pupil absence can be entered by parents via Aladdin Connect. This has replaced the practice of having to provide a written note to the school. After the class teacher completes the roll for their class (approx. 9:45am), the parent of a child who is absent will receive a notification on their Aladdin app. Parents will then be enabled to enter the reason for their child’s absence on Aladdin. (Follow the simple steps on the app to input the reason for the absence).
For more information please visit the following link Aladdin Schools - FAQs and click ‘Attendance Notes’. - School report card
- Permissions - Permissions lists are a feature in Aladdin Connect which allow schools to create and manage permissions lists for classes and various groups.
- Parent Teacher Meeting Scheduler -We will use this feature to organise and schedule parent teacher meetings in November. This will make it easier for parents to select their preferred time from the time-slots available. Please see graphic below.

We hope that you find Aladdin Connect to be convenient, helpful and user-friendly. Should you have any queries, please get in touch with the school directly - by email to with Aladdin Connect in the subject line, immediately. As with all new projects and approaches, there may be some challenges to ‘iron out’ in the early stages. Please bear with us as we do our best to ensure that the system is rolled out as smoothly as possible.
Spring 2019
From Spring 2019, Scoil San Treasa has been rolling out our Aladdin Connect service. Please click on the link below for details regarding this useful facility which enables parents to receive messages from the school via 'push notifications' on their smartphone. (Other features of Aladdin Connect are also outlined in this document.)