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Welcome to our Wellbeing Corner
Here in Scoil San Treasa, we aim to provide a happy, safe, and secure environment where intellectual, physical, social, personal and spiritual needs of all children are identified and addressed.
We are fully committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. Promoting the wellbeing of our children and young people is a shared community responsibility and is everybody’s business. We have adopted a preventative, whole school approach that is multi-component, and evidence-informed.
The following definition of Wellbeing aims to take account of it's multi-dimensional nature:
"Wellbeing is present when a person realises their potential, is resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their life, takes care of their physical wellbeing and has a sense of purpose, connection and belonging to a wider community. It is a fluid way of being and needs nurturing throughout life."
For More Information - please visit these pages
Please explore a range of information and resources below:
Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice
National Educational Psychological Service: Information for Parents
Partnership for Children: Good Mental Health for Children - For Life