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Paired reading

Reading Buddies

Similar to paired reading with Senior Infants and Fifth Class, Junior Infants and Sixth Class have also been reading together and have thoroughly…
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JI SI Glenroe

Glenroe Farm

Junior and Senior Infants had a fantastic school tour to Glenroe Farm on Monday 17th June. We got on the bus very early and we're the first…
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Mount Merrion Soccer

Girls Soccer

When we arrived, we started to warm up and as the match came closer we started to head towards the pitch. When the whistle blew, it was a physical…
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On Thursday 23rd May, some of the students from 5th and 6th class participated in the Santry Athletics Competition during school hours. We left…
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Reading Buddies

Paired Reading

Senior Infants and Fifth Class are pairing up for buddy reading over the next few weeks and are thoroughly enjoying it!
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Sports Day

Infants Sports Day

Junior and Senior Infants had a fantastic sports day on Monday 27th May. They played lots of different games such as Hoop Houses and Dodgeball and…
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Lego Spike


We have been doing Lego Spike in 3rd class. It is a lego set with a special pieces like a hub which is like the brain of the set. You can follow the…
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DLR Libraries Quiz

Two teams from 6th class recently partook in the annual Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Libraries Quiz, showcasing their tremendous general knowledge and…
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Charity Presentations

Charity Presentations

On 1st May, 6th Class presented their chosen charities with a cheque from their Novelty Day fundraiser.
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Grandparents Service

The children in Third Class invited their grandparents into the school for a Grandparent's Day service on Thursday 2nd May. Some children had…
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