Transition to primary school.
1. Department of Children and Youth Affairs 'Ready for School' which provides practical tips to help you prepare your child for Junior Infants.
Ready for School
2. Padlet of resources, curated and shared by Sarah Mackey, a primary school teacher. All of the information is aimed at parents, to help ease the transition from pre-school to primary school.
The Transition from Pre-School to Primary School
3. NPC booklet on transitioning to primary school, full of excellent tips and tricks to help you and your child prepare for primary school.
NPC Transitioning to Primary School
4. Tips to support you in getting involved in your child's learning.
Getting Involved in Your Child’s Education
5. National Parent's Council website which contains a variety of different booklets that will support you and your child in their transition to primary school.
Information Leaflets
6. Let's Play Ireland - a government-led initiative aimed at promoting play for all children living in Ireland during the COVID-19 emergency.
Let's Play Ireland
7. Mo Scéal - preschool to primary transition support materials
Mo Scéal
8. Transitioning from Pre-School to Primary School
Guidance for Parents of children transitioning from Pre-school to Primary School
Your Child in the Primary School
Helping Your Child in Junior and Senior Infants
Helping Your Child in Junior and Senior Infants
Helping your child to Read and Write
Helping your child to Read and Write