Morning Club
Please use this form to enrol your child in our Morning Club and/or to book dates.

Maths at our house
This website provides some ideas for using everyday experiences and resources in the home to raise mathematical awareness. It includes ideas for supporting your children’s learning in all areas of mathematics: geometry, measurement, statistics, algebra and number.

NRICH website (Lower Primary)
Engaging mathematical activities and problems to solve.
NRICH website (Upper Primary)
Engaging mathematical activities and problems to solve.

Math Playground
Various Maths activities….suitable for children at primary school level.

Maths resources from various sites are placed together in sections to form a bank of interactive games and activities for teaching numeracy in primary schools.

A summary of your child’s learning in first and second classes in the 6 curriculum areas is provided in the link to the NCCA website below. Also provided are some suggestions on how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Help My Kid Learn
This website’s purpose is to provide fun activities, general information and useful tips that parents can use with their children to develop their literacy and numeracy. Help My Kid Learn is a website where people can see that supporting a child’s literacy and numeracy development is a natural, easy and fun activity that can be integrated into any part of their day.
SPHE Links – Safety

Road Safety Authority - Going to School
A parents guide to getting children to school safely.

Seatbelt Sheriff
The Road Safety Authority's award-winning Seatbelf Sheriff delivering important road safety messages.

Water Safety
Irish Water Safety's 14 steps to safe and enjoyable swimming.

Fire Safety 4 Kids
Information about fire safety for kids from the Dublin Fire Brigade.
Community Links

Church of St Thérèse, Mount Merrion
Information about the parish of the Church of St Thérèse.

Mount Merrion Historical Society
The Society promotes an interest in local history especially that of Mount Merrion and its surrounding areas through lectures, tours, and exhibitions.