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Kensuke's Kingdom

5th Class Artwork

Fifth class are enjoying their novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. Before reading, we discussed the cover of the book at…
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Our School Garden

Our School Garden

We are doing lots of work in our school garden. Each class has been working with Patrick Hunt (weather permitting!) to prepare the raised beds for…
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Purple and Gold Day

Purple & Gold Day

Last Friday we had a 'Purple and Gold Day' to support the Senior Ladies Kilmacud Crokes Footballers who played in the Final of the Dublin…
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Patrick Hunt

Garden Birds

Senior Infants were visited by Patrick Hunt on a very wet September morning. Instead of going out to our school garden, we had a fantastic talk in…
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Junior and Senior Infants

Junior and Senior Infants School Tour

Junior and Senior Infants had a fantastic school tour to the Pine Forest in Kilternan, on Wednesday 29th June.
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School Tour

Fourth Class trip to Clara Lara

On Monday 20th June, my class and I went to Clara Lara for our school tour. It is a Funpark in Wicklow. It has go karting, boats that you can jump…
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Sports Day

1st and 2nd Sports Day

First and Second Class had a fantastic sports day on Monday 30th May! We started off the day with different games on each yard, and went to the park…
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Santry Running

On Monday, the 30th of May, athletes from 4th, 5th and 6th class travelled to Morton Stadium in Santry to compete in the Cumann na mBunscol Athletics…
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Sports Day

3rd and 4th Sports Day

On Wednesday, the 1st of June, Third and Fourth Class headed to Deer Park for a day of sport, fun and sunshine. On the day, we got to come into…
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Quiz Team

DLR Schools Quiz

The inaugural Dun Laoghaire - Rathdown Libraries School Quiz took place this June, with teams from over 40 schools across South Dublin competing in…
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