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Sports Day

Infant Sports Day

On Tuesday 31st May, Junior and Senior Infants had their Sports Day! Each class were split into four different teams, all wearing different colours.…
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Teddy's Ice Cream

Teddy's Ice Cream!

Teddy's Ice Cream came to visit last Friday. See our video below full of smiling faces!
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Camogie Blitz

Girls Camogie Blitz

On Thursday the 9th of June, girls from 2nd to 6th class headed to Kilmacud Crokes for a Camogie Blitz. At 9:00 sharp we all walked down to Kilmacud…
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Boys Football Blitz

On Tuesday 10th and Tuesday 24th May 2022, over 30 boys from Rang a Trí agus Rang a Ceathair participated in a Scoil San Treasa Football Blitz in…
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Síne's Sunflower


The children in First Class planted sunflower seeds when they were in Senior Infants, as you can see they were very well taken care of and some have…
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Over the last four months there has been a family of robins nesting in our garden. They made a nest in an old toy train that has been sitting on a…
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Junior Infants Artwork

Junior Infants have beautiful artwork displayed in their classroom including an imaginative and creative exercise titled 'A Black Dot Can be..…
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Second Class School Tour

On Thursday 19th May, Second Class went on a school trip to Squirrel Scramble in Wicklow. It took us 25 minutes to get there on the bus, and it was…
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First Holy Communion

On Saturday 14th May, Second Class had their First Holy Communion in the Church of St. Thérèse. The children arrived in beautiful dresses, and smart…
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Patrick Hunt

Bug Hunting

Patrick Hunt visited 5th and 3rd Class this week! We thoroughly enjoyed learning even more about Biodiversity. On this occasion we focused on the…
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