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Science Workshops

Science Workshops

Last week second, third and fourth class participated in science workshops with facilitators from the Rediscovery Centre. Second class focused on the…
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Christmas Art Project

Christmas Art Project

Ms Payne’s 5th class did a collaborative art project for Christmas. Collaboration in art is when a picture is divided amongst the children to draw.…
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First Class Drumming Workshop

First Class Drummers!

First class had a great day last week participating in a drumming workshop with Peter Crann. Each class got to explore different types of drums and…
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Advent is taken from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning ‘coming’ and it marks the beginning of our Church year. It starts on the fourth Sunday before…
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SST Le Chéile

SST Le Chéile

The SST Le Chéile group consists of two children from each class, from third class to sixth class. They meet regularly with Ms Mullin and have many…
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National Basketball Arena

National Basketball Arena

Sixth class basketball players, in the National Basketball Arena last week.
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Minister for Education Visit

Minister for Education Visit

On Wednesday 27th of November the Minister for Education, Joe McHugh visited our school. He was joined by Ministers Josepha Madigan and Shane Ross.…
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In November We Remember

In November We Remember

During the month of November, we remember those dear to us who have died. In the school foyer, we made a special space where we can go to think about…
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All Ireland Winning Visitors!

All Ireland Winning Visitors!

We’ve been very lucky in Scoil San Treasa recently, as we’ve had two visits from members of the Dublin Men and Ladies Football teams! First to visit…
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Science Week

Science Week

This week was Science Week, with the focus of 2019 being climate action. There was a lot happening in the areas of science and STEM in Scoil San…
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