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Fourth class Roman Museum

Fourth class Roman Museum

On Thursday the 26th of October 4th class opened the doors to their ‘Roman Museum’. Working in small groups to create displays, there were ten…
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Hallowe'en Safety


On Thursday 26th October 5th class were visited by the Local Community Garda John O’Shea. Garda O’Shea informed us of all the dangers associated with…
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Cian O'Sullivan visits Scoil San Treasa

Cian O'Sullivan visits Scoil San Treasa

. It was a proud moment for Scoil San Treasa when Cian O'Sullivan (Dublin gaelic footballer) brought the Sam Maguire Cup to our whole-school…
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Biodiversity Programme

Biodiversity Programme

Pupils in fourth class and in senior infants have enjoyed the Biodiversity Workshops with our visiting expert from the Heritage in Schools scheme.…
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Pupils from third class have been learning about tessellations.

Pupils from third class have been learning about tessellations.

Pupils in third class have enjoyed learning about tessellations. Look at all the bright colours in their artwork.
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Art inspired by Van Gogh

Art inspired by Van Gogh

Boys and girls in second class drew inspiration from Van Gogh in their artwork.
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Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Pupils in Scoil San Treasa are busy with various aspects of our Visual Arts programme. Look at the clay modelling samples (work in progress) and the…
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Ladies Football:Dublin - All-Ireland winners

Ladies Football:Dublin - All-Ireland winners

Last Friday, Molly and Aoife from the Dublin Ladies Football team (All-Ireland winners) brought the Brendan Martin Cup to Scoil San Treasa.
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Healthy Eating Week

Healthy Eating Week

. We had our Healthy Eating Week from 11th to 15th September. Look at the Food Pyramid display that pupils in third class assembled. You will find…
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Read about St. Therese.

1st October - Feast of St. Therese

1st October. We remember St. Therese each year.
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