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Sixth Class Plays

Sixth Class Plays

Thanks to sixth class, we have enjoyed watching 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'The Lion King' in recent weeks. All their hard work…
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Butterfly Project - Update

Butterfly Project - Update

Our caterpillars are doing well. They are 'plumping up' and have grown to a length of 2cm on average. They are producing 'webbing…
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First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion

Best wishes to the boys and girls from second class on their First Holy Communion on Saturday 19th May!
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Our Butterfly Project

Our Butterfly Project

Our Butterfly Project was launched this week. In coming weeks, we look forward to learning lots about the life cycle of the butterfly. The display in…
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Knitting in first class

Knitting in first class

Girls and boys in first class have enjoyed engaging with our knitting programme. The input of parents is appreciated.
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Dublin Diocesan Home/School Family Faith Week

Dublin Diocesan Home/School Family Faith Week

Boys and girls in fifth class created lots of beautiful posters to mark Home/School Family Faith Week. They are on display in the school foyer.
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four winners

Write-A-Book Project 2018 - Awards

Well done to all the boys and girls from third class and sixth class on writing books for the Blackrock Education Centre Write-A-Book Project 2018.…
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Our pupils continue to enjoy their involvement in gardening and biodiversity projects. They have worked hard on looking after our raised beds.
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Confirmation 2018

Confirmation 2018

Best wishes to the boys and girls from sixth class on their Confirmation on Friday 13th April. We wish them every blessing now and in the future. .
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Spring Art - Fifth Class

Spring Art - Fifth Class

Lots of budding artists in fifth class! Their dandelion art display has brightened the week for us.
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