Gardening and Biodiversity are key areas of focus in Scoil San Treasa again this year. Senior Infants have been busy. Their work in this area ties in with our heightened focus on Science; it also helps to develop positive dispositions to learning...and it is fun!
Here you can read about some of the gardening work that pupils in senior infants did earlier this year:
The children did some weeding in the raised beds - making sure that all was ready for planting. Pupils were divided into pairs. They placed a potato on the bed. They dug a hole in the soil for each potato. They placed the potato in the soil, making sure the eye of the potato was facing upwards. They covered the potato in soil and placed compost over it.
The children took weeds from the second bed. All of the children got an onion to plant. They placed the onion on the soil and pressed the onion underneath it.
The children took a small number of lettuce seeds and sprinkled the seeds on top of the soil.
We appreciate the expert input of the visiting horticulturist via the 'Heritage in Schools' scheme, and the valued support of the whole school and SST PA in this initiative.