Posted on Thursday, 26 March 2015

Seachtain na Gaeilge i Scoil San Treasa

Bhí seachtain na Gaeilge i Scoil San Treasa an tseachtain seo caite. Bhí ‘Ceol sa bhforhalla’  againn gach lá agus  Ceilí ar an Aoine.

From Monday to Thursday there was lots of instrumental music in the foyer. Guitar, flute, keyboard, piano, violin, tin whistle, cello were some of the instruments that were played by the children. Some of the teachers played also!. We all made a special effort to speak Irish during the week.

On Friday we had our Céilí Mór. The classes performed traditional Irish dances. Lots of the pupils and teachers  were dressed in green. Some parents came along to watch. It was a great day.

Bhaineamar a lán taitneamh as seachtain na Gaeilge in ár scoil.

Le  Patrick (Rang 6)
