Science Week 2023 has arrived !
We are looking forward to many fun and engaging activities to celebrate the area of science, and growing on our recent successes being awarded Badge of Excellence in 2022.
This year we are focusing on Design and Make Process in Science.
Designing and making involves pupils using and applying their scientific skills and knowledge to practical tasks. Solutions to real world problems can be explored through the design and make process.
In an effort to link the home and the school activities during science week students are invited to participate in a science challenge.
The challenge will entail designing and making and can be found at the link below.
Submissions can be made in physical form which can be left in a designated area in the hall or through Seesaw to exhibit how you have helped solve the problem. Please add an explanation of how you built your project. Participation in this challenge is optional. The two challenges posed vary in difficulty.
Junior Challenge is for Infants to 2nd class, while the Senior Challenge is for 3rd – 6th Class.
We hope that you will find this to be another useful way of engaging your child with Science in thought-provoking way that is not restricted to the classroom or textbook.