Paired reading

Reading Buddies

Similar to paired reading with Senior Infants and Fifth Class, Junior Infants and Sixth Class have also been reading together and have thoroughly…
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Reading Buddies

Paired Reading

Senior Infants and Fifth Class are pairing up for buddy reading over the next few weeks and are thoroughly enjoying it!
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Lego Spike


We have been doing Lego Spike in 3rd class. It is a lego set with a special pieces like a hub which is like the brain of the set. You can follow the…
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Charity Presentations

Charity Presentations

On 1st May, 6th Class presented their chosen charities with a cheque from their Novelty Day fundraiser.
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Digital Learning/STEM

Children in 1st to 5th classes will be working with our newly purchased ‘Lego – Spike Essential Sets’. This will support the pupils to develop their…
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Bug Hunting

Bug Hunting

The children in Infant Classes have been learning about all the different insects we might find in our gardens, and visited our school garden with…
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Féile Fichille

Féile Fichille

16 pupils from 3rd – 6th classes represented the school in a chess tournament in St. Laurence’s School on 5th March. The pupils played 6 matches in…
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Seachtain na Gaeilge

Baineadh an-taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge. Over 90 children, and teachers shared their musical talents in the Ceol sa Foyer during Seachtain na…
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Animal Projects

Animal Projects

In Second Class, we were given an assignment to choose an interesting animal that we knew very little about and to create a project about it. We were…
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Music in the Classroom

Music in the Classroom

On Tuesday 20th February, Third Class went to Music in the Classroom in the National Concert Hall. We listened to songs from The Lion King and music…
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