Green Flag

Green Flag Award

The school was recently awarded another Green Flag for ‘Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste’, in a DLRCoCo online presentation ceremony. Well done…
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Green Fingers

Green Fingers

The children in Second Class have been growing their own fruit and vegetables over the past few weeks. They really enjoyed planting their seeds (…
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School Model

School Model

Have a look at the fantastic model of the school building created by Mai-An.
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Sixth class pupils took it in turns giving each class in the school a brief talk about their projects for the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. It was a…
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Tithe Taibhsí

Tithe Taibhsí

Last Friday, we made 3-D Haunted Houses. We used a mixture of maths, geography and imagination. Here is how to make it: Get a piece of card, choose…
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Biodiversity with Patrick Hunt

Biodiversity with Patrick Hunt

Patrick Hunt came in to visit us on Tuesday, October 8th. We talked about some different families of plants we would be planting in the raised beds…
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National Tree Day

National Tree Day

. For National Tree Day on October 4th, our class (Ms Keogh’s 4th class) gave a Tree Tour of the Plásóg to the 3rd and 4th classes. We were each…
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6th Class Japanese Museum

6th Class Japanese Museum

6th Class Japanese Museum. On the 3rd of October, Mr Maguire’s 6th class unveiled their museum about Japan. It took place in the hall. Classes from…
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Dry grassland habitat in SST grounds

Dry grassland habitat in SST grounds

During one of his recent workshop days in our school, Patrick Hunt (horticulturist - Heritage in Schools Scheme) drew attention to the 'amazing…
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SFI Discover Science and Maths Award 2018/19

SFI Discover Science and Maths Award 2018/19

Great news! Scoil San Treasa has achieved the SFI Discover Science and Maths Award for the 2018/19 school year. Here is some feedback from our…
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