Posted on Tuesday, 8 October 2019

6th Class Japanese Museum


On the 3rd of October, Mr Maguire’s 6th class unveiled their museum about Japan. It took place in the hall. Classes from 3rd up to 6th class came to the museum. The information was displayed on many different levels (talk shows, puppet shows, artefacts and in text.) Most stands tested the pupil on the information through quizzes. There were many different topics such as history, food, culture, sport, mythology, geography and technology.


We spent all of September preparing our Japanese museum. All of the stands were very impressive. The technology stand had video games and gadgets for show. The history stand had interesting text and artefacts. The culture stand put on a talk show to explain information. Geography made a replica of Mount Fuji. At the Mythology stand there was a puppet show and people dressed in costumes. The food stand taught people how to use chopsticks. Sport demonstrated Jiu Jitsu moves on each other.


In conclusion the Japanese museum was a big success and we learned a lot from it and we hope the pupils who attended also learned from it.


By Jack and Emma O’D