
4th Class ICT

The children from 3rd to 6th Class use the Chromebooks as part of their learning each day. In the pictures below, 4th class can be seen using them to…
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CSW Art Competition

Children from 2nd to 6th Class participated in an art competition during Catholic Schools Week, with their interpretation of the theme of the week…
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Catholic Schools Week

We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week this week. The theme of this year's CSW is 'Communities of Service' with a daily sub-theme…
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PE - Guard the House !

Senior Infants had a lot of fun this week during their PE lessons, playing dodgeball with a twist. Each team had to protect their 'house'…
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Digital Learning - Scratch

The children in Senior Infants are getting to grips with coding again, and have begin working with Scratch Jnr to develop their digital learning and…
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BT Primary Science Fair

BT Young Scientist

The children from 6th class were delighted to be accepted to participate in the BT Primary Science Fair again this year. After brainstorming many…
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Third class celebrated friendship with various activities last week which included exploring the traits of a good friend and writing them on the…
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Orchestra Recital

Christmas in Scoil San Treasa

It was a busy few weeks in Scoil San Treasa during the exciting build up to Christmas. Children in all classes have been busily preparing for and…
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SST 60*


Over the past few weeks in the school we have been marking SST60 with all of the pupils in many different ways. We had a whole-school assembly in the…
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Junior Infants Play

Christmas Plays

The children in Junior and Senior Infants have been busily preparing for their Christmas plays over the past couple of weeks, and all classes have…The Angel Express. Junior Infants.Ready, Steady, Elves. Senior Infants.
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