Busy Junior Infants

Busy Junior Infants

Junior Infants are settling in well and are busy each morning practising their fine motor skills through play.
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A New Start!

A New Start!

The children have had a busy week settling into new routines, and helping their teachers set up their new classrooms. Along the corridors, artwork is…
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Tips for Parents Image

Back to School

Please read the 'Your Child in the Primary School' booklet for helpful tips and information to support your child as they begin/return to…
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Clara Lara - 4th Class

Clara Lara - 4th Class

On Monday 26th June, Fourth class went to Clara Lara on a school tour. We travelled by bus and we were all looking forward to a great day. We did go-…
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June was a busy month in Scoil San Treasa, with lots of different activities going on around the school. The children spent lots of time learning…
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Clara Lara 5th

Clara Lara - 5th Class

Fifth Class went on their school tour to Clara Lara in Co. Wicklow on Friday 16th June. They enjoyed water sports, obstacle courses, ziplines and…
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George the Lamb!

Annabelle’s family hand reared two lambs for a farmer in Wicklow. The lambs stayed in their shed and garden for 9 weeks. The lambs were fed four…
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3rd Class Tour

Alive Outside

Last Thursday, 3rd class went on their school tour to Alive Outside. First we did archery, and I got 12 as my highest score. Then we did riddles, I…
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Another Green Flag !

Scoil San Treasa has been awarded our 7th Green Flag! For the past two years the Green Team have been gathering data and making changes around the…
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New Primary Curriculum

The new curriculum for primary schools promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents. This…
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