Aistear - Junior Infants

Aistear - Junior Infants

Aistear . Junior Infants are very busy engaging in Aistear. During Aistear the children are implementing their numeracy, literacy and social skills…
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Science Week in 4th Class

Science Week in 4th Class

This week is Science Week and 4th Class are currently in the process of constructing bridges. During our computer time we researched and got ideas on…
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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

3rd Class completed very interesting projects on Ancient Egypt before the midterm break.
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Green Flag

Green Flag Award

The school was recently awarded another Green Flag for ‘Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste’, in a DLRCoCo online presentation ceremony. Well done…
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Maths Week 2021 Solve a problem

Maths Week 2021 Solve a Problem

Maths Week 2021 Solve a Problem Monday. Maths Week 2021 Solve a Problem Tuesday. Maths Week 2021 Solve a Problem Wednesday. Maths Week 2021 Solve a…
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A Visit from Patrick Hunt

A Visit from Patrick Hunt

Patrick Hunt, an expert in nature and biodiversity, came to give us a workshop in our school garden. We had a look at some of the different tree…
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First Penance & First Holy Communion

First Penance & First Holy Communion

Third class made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 25th September, while Fourth class made their First Holy Communion on Sunday 3rd October 2021…
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Green Fingers

Green Fingers

The children in Second Class have been growing their own fruit and vegetables over the past few weeks. They really enjoyed planting their seeds (…
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Seó Faisean!

Seó Faisean!

In our pods we were asked to create our own Irish ‘Seó Faisean’ for drama. We had to write a script and decide upon roles and costumes. Over the week…
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Easter Creations

Easter Creations

As an Easter art lesson, Rang a Cúig decided to make easter egg nets as gifts this week. To begin with we needed to blow up balloons that were about…
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