Rang 2

Rang 2 Poetry & Toucans

Second Class have been combining their typing and ICT skills to write poems during their computer time. They have been learning how to create a…
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Comprehension Strategies

Comprehension strategies can be defined as the ‘mental processes’ that good readers use to understand text. Comprehension strategies need to be…
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SST Science Week

SST Science Week

To celebrate Science Week in Scoil San Treasa, the pupils of 5th and 6th class held a Science Fair in the school hall. From electric circuits to…
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KC Hurling

Hurling with Kilmacud Crokes

Senior Infants are very excited to start hurling/camogie training with Kilmacud Crokes. Every Thursday for the next four weeks they will train with…
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Army No. 1 Band

The children were delighted to see the Army No. 1 Band back in Scoil San Treasa. The Army Band introduced the children to some instruments from four…
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Maths Week

Maths Week

Over the past week we have had an added focus on Maths with a particular emphasis on ‘Problem Solving’. All classes engaged in our daily problem…
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Green Team

The Green Team

We have had our first Green Schools Meeting with this year's Green Schools Representatives. We discussed sustainability, recycling and the…
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Kensuke's Kingdom

5th Class Artwork

Fifth class are enjoying their novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. Before reading, we discussed the cover of the book at…
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Purple and Gold Day

Purple & Gold Day

Last Friday we had a 'Purple and Gold Day' to support the Senior Ladies Kilmacud Crokes Footballers who played in the Final of the Dublin…
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Quiz Team

DLR Schools Quiz

The inaugural Dun Laoghaire - Rathdown Libraries School Quiz took place this June, with teams from over 40 schools across South Dublin competing in…
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