Our Butterfly Project - butterflies spreading their wings today!

Our Butterfly Project - butterflies spreading their wings today!

Pupils from junior infants, senior infants, first class and second class enjoyed releasing our butterflies into the great outdoors today.
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Our Butterfly Project - Celebrating the arrival of our first butterflies!

Our Butterfly Project - Celebrating the arrival of our first butterflies!

Our first butterflies arrived on Saturday, 9th June! Féileacáin nua i Scoil San Treasa! They have access to pieces of fruits, some flowers and…
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Our Butterfly Project

Our Butterfly Project

We know from our butterfly project in the foyer that each butterfly starts its life as an egg. Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis in which…
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Walk While You Can!

Walk While You Can!

We are looking forward to engaging with the WWYC initiative on a class-by-class basis here in Scoil San Treasa. Check out today's newsletter…
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Butterfly Project ...close to the chrysalis stage now!

Butterfly Project ...close to the chrysalis stage now!

We see lots of growth..check out these pictures! Our pupils are enjoying learning about the life cycle of the butterfly..here in the school foyer! .
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Gardening / Biodiversity

Gardening / Biodiversity

Our hard work on gardening is paying off, as you can see from the pictures of our raised beds. Fourth class, in particular, have been very involved.…
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Butterfly Project - Update

Butterfly Project - Update

Our caterpillars are doing well. They are 'plumping up' and have grown to a length of 2cm on average. They are producing 'webbing…
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Our Butterfly Project

Our Butterfly Project

Our Butterfly Project was launched this week. In coming weeks, we look forward to learning lots about the life cycle of the butterfly. The display in…
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four winners

Write-A-Book Project 2018 - Awards

Well done to all the boys and girls from third class and sixth class on writing books for the Blackrock Education Centre Write-A-Book Project 2018.…
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Rang a Ceathair - 3-D Shapes Exploration

Rang a Ceathair - 3d Shapes exploration

. Rang a Ceathair made their own 3-D shapes today. It took spatial awareness and applying what we have learnt over the past few weeks to get them…
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