First Class Science! How do plants absorb water?

First Class Science! How do plants absorb water?

Girls and boys in first class are learning about how plants absorb water. They are using their scientific skills as they observe. You can read about…
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Senior Infants working with Bee-Bots

Senior Infants working with Bee-Bots

We have recently purchased a set of Bee-Bots for our school. Using these small programmable robots, the children are introduced to creating simple…
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Science, Birdwatching, Biodiversity

Science, Birdwatching, Biodiversity

Pupils in fourth class enjoyed taking a closer look at birds and other creatures in the natural world during their recent Biodiversity workshop. Take…
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Primary Science Fair - RDS - January 2019

Primary Science Fair - RDS - January 2019

Our sixth class project was exhibited in the RDS during the Primary Science Fair. The boys and girls did themselves proud - both in their preparation…
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Electricity - Third Class

Electricity - Third Class

Pupils in third class carried out simple experiments with electricity e.g. making simple circuits, operating fans and lights, and adding in music.…
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Science - Making Solar Ovens

Science - Making Solar Ovens

In recent weeks, pupils in third class (both classes) took part in three Science Workshops based on Energy. They were learning about renewable and…
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Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Welcome back, everyone! It's a nice time to reflect on the memories that we created last year and look forward to lots of interesting and…
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Our Butterfly Project - butterflies spreading their wings today!

Our Butterfly Project - butterflies spreading their wings today!

Pupils from junior infants, senior infants, first class and second class enjoyed releasing our butterflies into the great outdoors today.
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Our Butterfly Project - Celebrating the arrival of our first butterflies!

Our Butterfly Project - Celebrating the arrival of our first butterflies!

Our first butterflies arrived on Saturday, 9th June! Féileacáin nua i Scoil San Treasa! They have access to pieces of fruits, some flowers and…
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Gardening / Biodiversity

Gardening / Biodiversity

Our hard work on gardening is paying off, as you can see from the pictures of our raised beds. Fourth class, in particular, have been very involved.…
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