
Another Green Flag !

Scoil San Treasa has been awarded our 7th Green Flag! For the past two years the Green Team have been gathering data and making changes around the…
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Summer Harvest

The harvesting of our school garden has begun in earnest recently. 6th class harvested their crop of garlic and onions which was planted in the…
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Outdoor Classroom

Fourth class have been busy this week learning outdoors in the beautiful weather. They harvested chard they have been taking care of and did their…
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Maths in Infants

The pupils in Senior Infants have been learning all about capacity and Junior Infants are busy working on their numeracy bonds learning all about the…
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Bug Hunting with Patrick Hunt!

We were delighted to hear that Patrick Hunt would be visiting our classrooms once more this March. Patrick Hunt is an entomologist, this means he is…
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In 3rd Class, we have been learning about the life cycle of the frog so we were able to witness their development right in front of our eyes, in our…
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Science in First Class

First Class used thermometers to investigate the temperature of water. Have a look to see how they got on! You can also have a look at the STEM…
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Science Evaluation

Please see below for a report issued to Scoil San Treasa, following a curricular evaluation in the area of Science in November 2022.
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Primary Science Fair

Primary Science Fair

"Does exercise increase our concentration levels?", "Is Scoil San Treasa a Green School?" - these were the questions investigated…
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Science Challenge

Science Challenge Winners

A few of our winners from the Science Challenge during Science Week! Well done to all of the children who took part.
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