
Orchestra Recital

The orchestra performed a show for our parents and school on the 31st May. Christine was our conductor and we played six songs including Amazing…
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STEM in Fifth Class

5th Class have been busy Engineering! We wanted to see if we could design and build a miniature room or scene using only paper and cardboard. We…
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Senior Infants Sports Day

Sports Day - Junior & Senior Infants

Junior and Senior Infants began their Sports Day bright and early today, Monday 29th May. Each class was split into four different coloured teams,…
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Summer Harvest

The harvesting of our school garden has begun in earnest recently. 6th class harvested their crop of garlic and onions which was planted in the…
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Outdoor Classroom

Fourth class have been busy this week learning outdoors in the beautiful weather. They harvested chard they have been taking care of and did their…
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Maths in Infants

The pupils in Senior Infants have been learning all about capacity and Junior Infants are busy working on their numeracy bonds learning all about the…
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This year, 4th Class took part in the STEPS Young Engineers Competition. We created projects to promote and improve sustainability in our community.…
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First Holy Communion

Pupils in 2nd class received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday 13th May. They put in a lot of preparation with their teachers and had…
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Butterfly Project

Caterpillars arrived to our school on Friday, 5th May. We have been looking after them very carefully in the foyer. We are learning that butterflies…
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Rugby Visitors

Rugby Visitors. On Tuesday 16th May the pupils were delighted to welcome the 6 Nations Rugby trophy and the Triple Crown to Scoil San Treasa. Devin…
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